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Teleport Plugin  

Upload: 26 Mar 2023, 20:43
Created by: NSA Cloud [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Teleport Plugin

Teleport Plugin

This mod allows you to save and teleport to specified locations.

It also includes No Clip, which allows for flight and clipping through objects.

Install using Fluffy Manager or drag and drop the "reframework" folder into the game's install folder. Make sure you have RE Framework installed.

How to use:

  1. Open the RE Framework menu with the Insert key.
  2. Open Script Generated UI > Teleport Plugin > Add New Teleport Point.
  3. To create a new teleport point, click "Get Player Coordinates", set a name, then press "Add Teleport Point".
  4. Added teleport points will appear under Teleport List. Select a point from the box and press "Teleport" to teleport.


If you are too far away from the point being teleported to, there's a chance that the area is unloaded.

Certain areas are only loaded once you pass specific points. If you fall into the void after teleporting, use the "Undo Teleport" button or use No Clip.

For the full game, back up your save files. Skipping past certain points may cause issues with progressing the story.

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