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Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS 7.6  

Upload: 21 Jun 2022, 13:42
Created by: fore [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS 7.6

No custom animation possible for Skyrim? Wrong. FNIS Behaviors allows other mods to add different types of animations to the game: idles/poses, sequenced, arm offset, furniture, and paired animations, killmoves, and creature animations.

And, with the demonstration mod FNIS Spells the user has a means to display almost all animation files. Dance animations included.

Note: You will have to run a generator tool GenerateFNISforUsers.exe (part of FNIS Behavior) every time you have installed or uninstalled FNIS, or an FNIS based mod. In addition, when you uninstall a mod that uses FNIS Creatures, you first have press the "De-Install Creatures" button, before you run the "Update FNIS Behaviors"

Use animations exclusive to the player in an EASY way? Install FNIS PCEA2 and see the potential
Bored of all females walking the same? FNIS Sexy Move will change that
Ready to explore Skyrim from above? Install FNIS Flyer and off you go
Want to see creatures animated by custom FNIS behaviors? Go and get FNIS Zoo
You are a modder, and want to understand the contents of behavior files? CondenseBehavior represents Behaviors in a condensed form
You are a modder, and interested in Behaviors? Download FNIS for Modders Documentation V6.2 (or later) from the (FNIS for Skyrim) Files section

Mitos' Animation Shop 3.2 MB

Mitos' Animation Shop

26 Oct 2022
1 176

I always wanted some specific animations as part of my game but after months of waiting and looking around, I decided to just learn the ropes and try to do it myself. Why not? Now here I am opening my animations showcase.

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