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Bimbo Aspirations and Trait  

Upload: 27 Mar 2022, 17:00
Last updated: 18-05-2022, 12:30
Created by: DeepBlueFrog [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Polish translation added - 18-05-2022, 12:30 » [Aqxaro]
Bimbo Aspirations and Trait

What does this mod do?
This mod allows your female sims to choose between two aspirations - Bimbo Arm Candy and Bimbo Fuck Doll.

The Bimbo Arm Candy is all about finding someone to support your expensive look and lifestyle.
Bimbo Fuck Doll is all about being the perfect fuck doll for that special someone or someone else for that matter.

The Bimbo trait complements your aspirations and will guide your daily whims.

What your Sim will be able to do:
- be often motivated to do funny and sexy things 
- they have a hard time learning anything technical (a science career is not discussed) 
- make people around her more easily aroused (theoretically, doesn't seem to work in my tests yet) 
- get a big boost in their relationship for positive interactions 
- get a big hit on their relationship after negative interactions

How to play with this mod?

You can assign aspirations right away or play the role of your own accord or forced retribution for your favorite Sim.

One thing I did was feign a descent into pure bimbo bliss by regularly removing traits from my Sim until there was only one trait left - the Bimbo trait. After that, I add additional character traits like "cheerful" or "sassy" or anything else that can add more color to your bimbo.

Once the bimbo trait is acquired, I try to religiously follow my Sim's whims to decide what else to do. Bimbo whims are optional.

For added effect, I try to select dialogue options only from the default list (what you see when you select a sim) and not from sub-menus or "more options...". It's not always possible, but it makes the roleplay so much more fun.

You must have the cat and dog add-on or the latest update installed, also install the "cats-dogs'update-patch" file, otherwise the trait will be missing from the CAS screen.

Polish translation by astercholik: Download

Sensual Studio v2.0 46 MB

Sensual Studio v2.0 NSFW

13 Jul 2023
8 171

When all the game versions of the masterpieces of painting have already been created, and your artists have lost their inspiration, it's time to throw them something interesting! This mod will allow Sims to draw a variety of explicit works of art on easels and graphics tablets.

Golden88's Animations 4.08 MB

Golden88's Animations NSFW

22 Apr 2022
5 590

7 new animations from the creator Golden88. To perform animations, you must first download the WickedWhims mod and then download the animation pack.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    22 January 2024 07:35

    Уф всё сделал!!!

    1. D
      Djanna [Users]
      4 February 2024 15:26

      Поведай как ?

  2. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    21 January 2024 22:15

    Всем привет подскажите пожалуйста а где можно скачать (cats-dogs'update-patch)а то у меня жизненую цель не видет игра!!!

  3. A
    Axelloves4 [Users]
    9 September 2022 06:02

    hey, the aspirations don't show up

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      9 September 2022 14:32

      maybe it´s for YA or Adult

      1. A
        Axelloves4 [Users]
        2 October 2022 07:20

        i checked and it still didn't show up. Is there a way to cheat the aspiration