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Lumpinou RPO Collection v2.984 (10.03.2025) 

Upload: 21 Mar 2022, 08:35
Last updated: 12-03-2025, 06:51
Created by: Lumpinou [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated - 12-03-2025, 06:51 » [Aqxaro]
Lumpinou RPO Collection v2.984 (10.03.2025)

Pregnancy preferences and varied reactions for both partners, WooHoo Risk, protection, fertility surgeries; WooHoo Transmissible Diseases, Paternity testing and drama, teen pregnancy reactions, cheating module, surrogate mothers and artificial insemination, adoption overhaul, and more!

NOTE: There is a recent GAME bug (ie not a mod bug but an EA bug) that causes baby icons to look a different skin tone from the actual baby. This may happen to the babies your Sim gets from surrogates and carries for others AND all the babies will look dark skinned when picking a child for adoption. Here's an EA bug report page about it for example, if you want to read more.

Last updated:

June 24
May 30: updated M10 to solve infants not returning from custody visits automatically
April 23: fix for m5 to work without m2
April 15: various fixes to Core
MARCH 18 Updated for relationship statuses not showing due to patch
MARCH 17 reupdated for adoption and custody integration of infants.
MARCH 16 2023: Updated for Patch. KEEP your settings file

TRANSLATIONS AVAILABLE (grab the Mod AND a translation if you need):

- French / Français by Kimikosoma
- German by HendrickMcSims
- Russian by Origamika
- Portuguese by Ayrthwil
- Chinese by ttchub
- Spanish by Onnya - temporarily unavailable (ahora no esta disponible)
- Italian by EmmeSims

- WTD module: UTIs left untreated cause hospitalization, ut this feature doesn't work properly as of now. If your Sim gets to that point, cure the disease with the cheat under "Actions" then "WTD Cheats".

- Teen module: in some people's games, teen get no pregnant belly. If you enable teen pregnancy only through this mod and the father is a teen, he won't show in the family tree. I recommend enabling teen pregnancy though other mods too until I can develop this more.

- Pregnancy Acceptance: the 'accepted pregnancy' trimester moodlets may vanish upon traveling. It is advised to not travel if the moodlet disappearing would bother you. Not sure I can solution that one anytime soon.

- Alternative Pregnancies: DO NOT romance or Play NPC surrogates (you can obviously play your played sim surrogate, just not the NPC auto-generated ones). You will find that I blocked most romance options for them, too. Why? Because their pregnancy system is altered for them to be NPC surrogates and they are not to be played!!
You might encounter them in the world without knowing that they are a surrogate, but romance being unavailable with them will be a dead tell :)
If you want to play with an auto-generated NPC surrogate, you will have to first make them not be a NPC surrogate anymore, you can't have both. To do so, remove the trait 'Trait_IsNPCSurrogate' from them, through my mod under 'actions' or through any mod that removes traits.

- Make-up, Break-up and Custody: 

- when deciding custody over court, in certain cases it will not automatically ask for several children but stop after one. In this case, simply start the interaction again for the next kids.
- General note about custody visits: Many things in the game may happen to make it so that a child will not transfer back exactly at the planned time, because the process could not happen right then. Don't panic, there are plenty of fail-safe systems built in so that the transfer will be attempted again until it goes through.
- more detail on custody visit (timed): timed one-time visits are extremely effective at sending the child back to its starting household. If a sim is at work or something else at the time of transfer, and prevents the transfer from happening, no worries! Invite on lot the other parent and the child will transfer back. You could also travel, reload household, etc, the kid will transfer no problem. There is also an interaction to 'send child back early' or 'get child back early' which can also be used for that, if you don't want to invite sims or reload etc.
- more detail on custody visits (cyclical / shared custody): those might fail to send the kid back right away a bit more often. If a child on shared custody / cyclical visit is not getting sent back / coming back right at the end of the visit, just either invite the other parent / the child on lot, reload your household or load the household with the child. This should bring the child back to its family of origin. You can also use an interaction to 'end scheduled visit early' by clicking on the custody parent, or on the visiting child, depending on which household you are playing.
If using this system, you must accept and understand that delays may happen and the time frames indicated are minimums and will be used if the game can let processes through, but visits may pan out over longer if the game failed to apply transfer processes at the scheduled time.

- Alternative Pregnancy:

- the 'surrogate pregnancy' trimester moodlets may vanish upon traveling. It is advised to not travel if the moodlet disappearing would bother you. Not sure I can solution that one anytime soon.
- DON'T ACCOMPANY YOUR SURROGATE SIM TO THE HOSPITAL!!!! This will cause the option to send away the kids to not show. There may be other circumstances causing the interactions to give the surrogate babies to their parents to not show up on the baby. For these cases, there are debug interactions in place. See image below.

Most elements of this mod are optional:

- YouCANNOT remove the Core files.

- YouCAN remove any of the following files / modules:

o Risk&Protection (pregnancy risk, protection & fertility)
o PregnancyTermination (abortions)
o WTDs (WooHoo Transmissible Diseases – REQUIRES Risk & Protection installed)
o PaternityTesting (paternity tests etc)
o TeenPregnancy (teen pregnancy and reactions to teen pregnancy)
o PregnancyAcceptance (possibility of acceptance of unwanted pregnancy)
o CheatingModule (reactions and interactions related to cheating)
o AlternativePregnancy (Surrogates & artificial insemination processes)
o Adoption
o Make Up & Break Up (temporary separation, divorces, custoy etc)
- Want Fake Names for the WooHoo Transmissible Diseases?
Then download the "WTD_FakeNamesAddOn" file

************ Compatibility Adjustments************

- MC WOOHOO: INcompatible with module 2 and 8 IF Risk setting is not on 0%. If on 0%, all is fine ;)

- Wicked Whims: Almost all compatible IF you pay attention to settings (read below!!)

- Wonderful Whims: All compatible IF you pay attention to settings (read below!!)

NOTE: WONDERFUL//WICKED WHIMS FULLY HANDLES PREGNANCY RISK unless you check off its 'Override Game / mod pregnancy system" AND its 'woohooo to TFB' switch. If you want my risk system which works on a sim by sim basis instead of Turbo's global risk setting system, turn off that setting. And vice versa. Your Sims can use protection items from either mod.

All Modules except module 1 are Removable At Will

Module 1: Pregnancy Preferences & Interactions

Description of features revolving around pregnancy preferences. Does your Sim want children right now, is ok with anything, or does not want children? What about their partner? And how will all that play out if they don’t share the same wish?…
+ Go to parenthood classes or counselling together, complain or enthuse about the upcoming baby, and more!

Module 2: Pregnancy Risk & Protection, fertility

Description of features revolving around pregnancy risk and how to stay protected from pregnancy. Sims can agree to not use protection with specific Sims, be or not be on birth control, get sterilized, and more.

Module 3: WooHoo Transmissible Diseases

In which Sims can catch a variety of WooHoo Transmissible Diseases (your choice between real names and fake names for those), accuse each other of giving diseases and cheating, be accepted despite their conditions or rejected, and more…

Module 4: Paternity Testing

In which Sims can discover who fathered their child, lie, tell the truth, rope another into marriage, reject offspring, and more.

Module 5: Teen Pregnancy Module

In which Teen Sims can get pregnant, freak out about it, make their parents freak out, get support or get kicked out…

Module 6: Unwanted Pregnancy Acceptance

In which Sims can grow to accept an unwanted pregnancy, and babies get born with Parents having sentiments towards them…

Module 7: Cheating and Being Faithful

A module that changes the sentiment behavior for cheating, tiering it depending on the gravity of the fault, and offers added features and possibilities revolving around cheating.

Module 8: Alternative Pregnancy (Artificial Inseminations & Surrogacy)

A module that offers the possibility for Sims to get artificial inseminations, become surrogate mothers or have another Sim carry a baby for them.

Module 9: Adoption Overhaul

Fully released
A module that lets your Sims put their children up for adoption, after agreeing or fighting. Also, offers a different way to adopt children. Instead of just calling a phone number, leaving and coming back with a child, Sims will have to satisfy the criteria of adoption agents. Sims will be able to look for their biological parents.

Module 10: Break Up, Make Up, and Everything In Between, + Co-parenting

UPCOMING – Between late summer 2021 and Late Fall 2021 (several partial releases)
A module for situations where parents break up and children are left in the middle to co-parent. Also a module for a ‘separated’ status from which Sims may make up or not. Child support, co-parenting elements, relationships failing and mending, amicable or angry divorces, and all that.

All Add-Ons are Removable At Will

Smaller than modules, which focus on adding interactions and gameplay choices, Add-Ons focus on either on adding to gameplay by impacting or modifying the rest of the mod and or game, or on adding a very specific, narrow gameplay element.

Add-On 1: Termination of Pregnancy

In this (very optional) add-on, Sims can terminate pregnancies, accompany spouses to pregnancy termination, and experience the myriad of emotions that such a difficult decision can bring – differently according to pregnancy preferences as chosen in Module 1 of course.

AddOn 2: Pregnancy Side-Effects

An add-on that brings mood swings, cravings and back pain to Sim’s pregnancies, among other little things!

AddOn 3: Romantic Trust

An add-on that gives each Sim a new ‘metric’ of sorts, romantic trust. Sims who have low trust will be able to perform paranoid jealous interactions and need a lot of reassurance. On the other hand, Sims with high romantic trust will have an easier time in love but may be fooled more easily.

AddOn 4: Post-Pregnancy Recovery System

An Add-On that will implement a recovery period after giving birth, getting an abortion or having a miscarriage.

AddOn 5: Social Judgment

An add-on that will add a lot of reactions and social judgment to everything happening in the other modules and things that happen in game as well. Impact will also be made on reputation, fame, wealth, and whatever else comes to mind.

AddOn 6: The Love Languages

UPCOMING – Date TBD – likely Fall 2021 – early 2022
An add-on that will add the effect of the Love Languages to Sim’s relationships.

AddOn 7: Miscarriages and Birth Complications

UPCOMING – date TBD – Per popular and unending request, I am bringing back the plan of making miscarriages, which were announced at the inception of this mod but which I decided not to do because other mods did it. This add-on will add my own version, complete with my own approach to moodlets relating to that, and those moodlets fitting of course pregnancy wish and all that.

AddOn 8: WooHoo Drive & etc (slight less PG than the rest of the mod)

UPCOMING – Fall 2021 – early 2022
Sims may have matching or non matching levels of WooHoo drive, experience health or psychological difficulties that will lower or increase their woohoo drive, and face all the relationship trouble this may bring. Additionally, this module will attempt to represent the asexual spectrum and aromantic spectrum, a topic which matters to me personally.

AddOn 9: Autonomy! Autonomy! Everything autonomous!

UPCOMING – Date TBD – Probably First third of 2022
This will be the optional part of the mod that enables other parts to happen autonomously, for players who want more drama! Want your Sim to autonomously ask to put a child for adoption, adopt, or stop using protection? Want Sims to be more often able to ask for breaks in relatioships, or full on break-ups or divorce, amicable or not? Want your Sim’s NPC wife to confess to an affair out of the blue? This will be the add-on for you.

Upcoming additions / changes to existing modules:

 Additions to WooHoo Transmissible Diseases (expansion of the module, mostly major modificaitons/expansions to the permanent WTDs)

 Additions to Teen module (major expansion of the module to add more consequences, more interactions with parents and family, interactions with friends and more reactions, possible ressources to reach out to, etc)

 Rewriting of some old moodlets such as trimester moodlets for neutral pregnancies.

And likely even more to come!


This mod has no requirements, other than an up-to-date game. Legacy edition is not compatible.

1. First, REMOVE ALL PREVIOUS VERSIONS of this mod, if any.

That means, ALL files from this mod not from this very post.

2. Secondly, DOWNLOAD the ZIP File

It contains all modules. Once extracted, you can remove unwanted modules.


- If you have Wicked Whims,  (and only if you have that other mod) also grab the ''AdditionalFileRequiredForWickedWhimsUsers'' package file.
- Don't want the game's pregnancy walkstyle? Disable it with the extra file here
-If youwant fake names for the diseases: grab the WTD fake names package file; (TEMPORARILY REMOVED for blank text issues)

- If you need a translation, click on the links for translations under Mod Description and find the translation needed on the translator's site.
Starbucks Custom Cafe Mod

Starbucks Custom Cafe Mod NSFW

24 Jun 2022
1 667

Are you tired of having your Sims order the same cappuccino every time you send them to the local cafe? Well, things are about to change. Starbucks drinks and foods are now on the menu!

Mod Pack: Fry 'Em Up

Mod Pack: Fry 'Em Up NSFW

29 Apr 2022

Remember the Deep Fryer in Sims 3 Store? It's back -- in this mod pack. This mod pack will bring you brand new experience of a deep fryer, running a fast food diner, and more!

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  1. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    9 January 2024 14:29

    Приветствую подскажите пожалуйста а есть ли русский перевод нормальный ссылка не работает!!!

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      9 January 2024 21:39

      Download Попробуйте это

  2. M
    M4C [Guests]
    21 December 2023 12:02

    A new version is out on Patreon.