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No Holidays Failure Drama v1.1  

Upload: 25 Jun 2022, 17:18
Created by: andirz
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
No Holidays Failure Drama v1.1

Are you tired of your characters doing nothing but moaning sadly when the holidays are cancelled? Do you think that a day of skill or even a harvest festival is not worth shedding tears for them? Then this little mod will please you, which adds a little personality to the characters in response to the cancellation of calendar holidays. Thus, only characters with the "Gloomy" character trait will be depressed for a long time by the lack of an opportunity to present the cube of the future to the lawn gnome. And happy and cheerful characters will receive a positive moodlet, because why be sad for such a small occasion for a long time? The rest of the characters will randomly receive either boredom moodlets of different duration, or experience a small surge of sadness, but with less intensity than their gloomy counterparts.

Woohoo in Closet Bug Fix 14.56 MB

Woohoo in Closet Bug Fix

10 May 2023
1 098

The High School Years patches introduced several bugs to the game, and one of the most irksome concerned the walk-in closets from Get Together. Normally, you were able to "Woohoo in Closet" regardless of whether the closet was free-standing, or installed in a wall.

Criminal Career Fix

Criminal Career Fix

22 Mar 2022
1 150

Tweaks the criminal career to make it easier to detect a criminal. The criminal can now be identified by special idle animations he/she performs. Also, no more hidden decoy Sims will be created that lead to false convictions (and afterwards fill your save with unneeded, ugly Sims).

Weather Control Spell (Climatio)

Weather Control Spell (Climatio)

10 Jul 2022

A mod that adds a weather spell to your mages! This is a spell from the School of Practical Magic. Casters can learn it by reading the Tome of Climate, available for purchase at magic shops for $155, defeating a magic duel, asking a Sage Practitioner to teach you a spell, or by practicing magic

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