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10 Years Later - Basegame Savefile  

Upload: 17 Jul 2023, 15:45
Created by: Charly Pancakes [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
10 Years Later - Basegame Savefile

A basic save for fans of The Sims character stories! The plot develops 10 years after the previous part of the game, explore families, their stories and relationships with neighbors.

Save Features:
— No add-ons required, just the base game.
— The save was created without the use of CC materials.
— The author encourages the development of his own story in conservation, rebuilding and expanding sites and even towns, and when posting his creations, he asks you to use the #10yearslatersave hashtag so that he can also appreciate your interpretation of his preservation.

To install the savefile you only need to unzip the download file and put the .save file in to your saves folder. if you use windows you can probably find that folder here: \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves.

Make sure that no other file in your ‘saves’ folder has the same name so you don’t overwrite any of you existing ones.

Sulani Reinvented | World No CC

Sulani Reinvented | World No CC

17 Apr 2022
2 361

The save file consists of 14 lots CC Free (6 community lots, 7 residential lots and 1 university housing). For instaling you need to place my file into your saves folder (Documents -> Electronic Arts -> The Sims 4 -> Saves).

The Sims 4: Medieval Save by Divan the Simmer 134 MB

The Sims 4: Medieval Save by Divan the Simmer

24 Jul 2023
2 534

Incredibly detailed save, in which the author combined the spirit of the past and a touch of magic. You are waiting for 19 unique towns with their own history, nature and characters - from ancient Egypt and Viking settlements to the realm of fairies and a medieval trading city.

Star Wars Save v2.2 Updated: 21-04-2022, 17:34 94 MB

Star Wars Save v2.2

21 Apr 2022
1 262

Are you already bored with regular saves? How about a save in the Star Wars universe? Now all cities will become different planets with their own style of buildings and alien species inhabiting them. This is where you'll find the adventures and space friends you've been dreaming of!

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