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Basic Burns by Kuttoe 63 KB

Basic Burns by Kuttoe

07 Jul 2022
1 351

Normally, Sims can spend all their time outside and as long as they aren't officially "sunbathing", then they don't get any tan or burn at all. With this mod, simply being outside in the sunlight is enough to get a tan or risk getting a burn.

Incognito Spell

Incognito Spell

08 Jul 2022
1 050

This mod adds a new "Incognito" spell that allows Spellcasters to equip a magical disguise. Play pranks on your friends (or enemies) without any hard feelings.

Mini-mod: Better Vampire Menus

Mini-mod: Better Vampire Menus

28 Jun 2022

A simple mod that deals with Vampire socials interactions to clogging up the social menus. Purchase interactions for vampire tomes, plasma packs, and plasma fruit seeds on the computer are now sorted into the "Order..." category.

Everything Else

Everything Else

07 Jun 2022

This mod removes the notification that was added in the Eco Lifestyle patch that you get whenever you enter a lot with the Off-The-Grid lot trait. This can get annoying if you frequently travel between lots and it can quickly fill up your notification wall.

Pizza Preferences 76 KB

Pizza Preferences

18 May 2022

his adds a new category for Pizza Toppings to the Preferences menu in CAS based on the toppings available in game. When Sims eat a kind of pizza they like, they will get a Happy moodlet. If they eat a topping they don't like, they'll get an Uncomfortable moodlet.

Mini-mod: Front Desk 5 KB

Mini-mod: Front Desk

02 May 2022
1 024

This is a simple mod that allows you to add a front desk receptionist to any community lot. To do so, just plop down a "THE Front Desk" object on the lot and place a computer and office chair in its slots.