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Sorting Plus (Anomaly 1.5.1/1.5.2) 25.28kb

Sorting Plus (Anomaly 1.5.1/1.5.2)

19 Nov 2022
1 087

Reenables categorized grouping of items in the inventory screens. Optional AMCM support allows for selecting which screens, and sorting control. Added kind override via ltx, if you have customized the sortingplus ltx you will need to merge the new section in manually to retain your changes.

Auto Helm (Anomaly 1.5.1/1.5.2)

Auto Helm (Anomaly 1.5.1/1.5.2)

16 Nov 2022

Sprinting with a helmet increases the stamina drain, sometimes significantly. This script automatically removes your helmet when you sprint and puts it back when you stop sprinting. Includes an indicator in the status hud when the helmet is removed.

New Item Highlight 5.85kb

New Item Highlight

23 May 2022
1 181

Puts a yellow highlight on items in your inventory when you pick them up until you mouse over them. Remove old version before installing this one. Mod can be loaded in before or after SortingPlus. the conflicting file is identical in both.

Dynamic NPC Armor Visuals 1.81mb

Dynamic NPC Armor Visuals

23 May 2022
1 296

The result of two days of cooperative modding on the anomaly discord #modding-development NPC Appearance will change to match the "best" outfit in their inventory, if it is better than what they are wearing by default.

Companion Inventory Unlock (Anomaly 1.5.1) 2.94kb

Companion Inventory Unlock (Anomaly 1.5.1)

23 May 2022
1 283

Ever wish you could get rid of all the garbage Hip seems intent on collecting? Now you can. NOW 90% less cheaty by default. (Full cheaty ness can be enabled at users discretion, consult a priest before stealing items from your companions, author is not responsible for loss of fun or hair.)

Battery Warning (Anomaly 1.5.1) 1.29kb

Battery Warning (Anomaly 1.5.1)

22 May 2022
1 126

Ever not realize that your detector battery had run out? Ever wonder why Svarog screen is animated when it is out of power? The second may have to remain a mystery of the zone, but I have an answer to the first. Dead battery indicator with sound. RC18/19 and later.

Instant tooltip for Anomaly 1.5.1 1.22kb

Instant tooltip for Anomaly 1.5.1

20 May 2022

High compatibility change to the delay of the Item Info Tooltip. Now works with tool tips in more areas, because instead of changing one one small xml value i have to intercept several UI elements at their time of creation.