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Backgrounds Enhanced - Investigative Sage - Cunning Noble - And More  

Upload: 07 Aug 2023, 16:36
Created by: Mharius [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 2.0-FullRelease
Backgrounds Enhanced - Investigative Sage - Cunning Noble - And More

Backgrounds Enhanced - Investigative Sage - Cunning Noble - And More

Current backgrounds can be a bit simplistic, while broad skill proficiency are rather vital to fully explore all that the game has to offer. As such this mod enhances some of the default Larian Backgrounds with one further proficiency. Hopefully making them a bit more interesting for a wider array of characters. Especially useful for those that want to go with one specific background for the reactivity it provides!

[2.0] Batch Two of Backgrounds:
Contains the other 7 Backgrounds in one file with the following additions as per your suggestions:

Acolyte - Medicine
Charlatan - Persuasion
Criminal - Intimidation 
Entertainer - Insight
Soldier - Perception 
Urchin - Perception

Batch One of Backgrounds:

Athletic Folk Hero

A folk hero ventures far and wide throughout the lands and fights for the common folk with athletic tenacity!

Now: Animal Handling / Survival / Athletics

Cunning Noble

A noble not well versed in matters of deception won't be a noble for too long!

Now: History / Persuasion / Deception

Investigative Sage

How can one truly be a sage without thoroughly investigating all the wonders of the world? Exactly!

Now: Arcana / History / Investigation

Nimble Guild Artisan

Sleight of Hand is a given for any proficient artisan, as is the potential to use said skills for less respectful activities...

Now: Insight / Persuasion / Sleight of Hand

Rustic Outlander

Outside society itself one better becomes one with nature if they desire to survive!

Now: Athletics / Survival / Nature

This can be added mid-game.

Requires: Full Release Mod Fixer

1. Extract into AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods
2. Activate the mod in your Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Manager

3. Save the Load Order
4. Enjoy

Last but not least, some of you asked for a convenient way to further support my endeavors.
Now you can, right here on Patreon. Thanks to all the supporters, it's appreciated!


- Batch 2 - 7 Backgrounds -
Athletic Folk Hero
Cunning Noble
Investigative Sage
Nimble Guild Artisan
Rustic Outlander

Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf

14 Aug 2023

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133 Levels v1.1

133 Levels v1.1

14 Aug 2023

The mod was made for those who are greedy for power, for those who want to see all the dialogue options for all classes, in general, do everything in one playthrough.

Dye Dye Dye

Dye Dye Dye

13 Aug 2023

Adds every dye for sale by Arron in Act 1 and Danthelon in Act 3. Optionally, adds these dyes to the Nautiloid tutorial chest so you can dye your gear right from the start.

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