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Petra Texture for ADA v1.3  

Upload: 16 Jul 2023, 21:03
Created by: SuperSalad [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.3
Petra Texture for ADA v1.3

This mod replaces the default ADA texture with portraits of Petra from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I manually drew all of the expressions and recolored all the frames to match the original ADA's expressions and colors as closely as possible. 

Update 1.3:
Drew her a more lore friendly outfit. Haven't gotten to 'Hope' yet to verify how the mod works on those screens but I've found ADA outside the ship on some other screens and it seems to look correct. Not replacing the 1.2 files since they still should be fine if you want the old outfit. 
Also Uploading my photoshop file in case anyone wants to make their own changes.

1) Unzip the folder
2) Copy the .pak to "The Outer Worlds\Indiana\Content\Paks\~mods\" (create the folder if it does not exist)

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