Snake's Mod Pack Unstable Branch 41.73
This mod version is only for those of you that moved to the IWBUMS Unstable branch (version 41.73 In this case). If you are still in the version 41.71 then make sure you are using the main Snake's Mod Pack.
This mod version is only for those of you that moved to the IWBUMS Unstable branch (version 41.73 In this case). If you are still in the version 41.71 then make sure you are using the main Snake's Mod Pack.
This mod adds new vehicle spawn zones and spawn lists around KY. These new spawn zones range from adding some vehicle spawns to areas that did not have any, to adding new themed spawn areas that provide a more specific set of vehicles.
Zombies are attracted to and feed on corpses More corpses in a concentrated area draws in more zombies Items that were on the corpse are left on a skeleton when they done eating
Adrenaline is a mod that adds a new mechanic to the panic and fatigue (tiredness) systems in Project Zomboid in a way that feels realistic.
Tap E (or your interact method) 3 (three) times quickly to jump out of your car while it's moving. This mod also allows you to exit/enter moving vehicles at low speeds - that speed is dependent on nimbleness.
This mod removes items from containers according to a "chance" that will increase with the world's age, according to sandbox parameters.
This mod adds custom loot options to the Sandbox Settings, including: - A zombie loot multiplier (affects loot of generic zombies, special zombie outfits, and bags)
This mod adds a variety of zones into the game which gives zombies outfits to match their surroundings. It also adds over 140 custom outfits which are appropriately placed on zombies in the world.
Easily set the time of your world to what ever you want, or enable system time synchronization with Day length set to Real-time and your server will always boot at the current system time.
This mod lets you customize how many zombies of each type (crawler, sprinter, etc.) appear in your game. Inspired by Customizable Zombies.
This mean that if enabling sledgehammer destruction is a pain in the butt for your server, between this mod and with how now all player built tiles can be disassembled, and as long as you don't want stair cheese, there is no reason to have sledgehammer destruction enabled for your server.
This mod is meant to address a single problem. You all know too well that awkward moment when the upper levels of your base get invaded by zombies.
With this mod vehicles can, randomly, spawn with broken and missing parts, making finding or assembling a working vehicle more challenging, but not impossible.