Real Metalworking
This mod addresses the need of vanilla friendly realistic primitive metalworking. It has tons of recipes but it wont let you craft EVERY metal object there is in the game.
This mod addresses the need of vanilla friendly realistic primitive metalworking. It has tons of recipes but it wont let you craft EVERY metal object there is in the game.
This mod adjusts how non-lethal zombie infections work and adds extra penalties for getting a non-lethal zombie infection. I wanted to find a middle ground between a zombie infection auto-killing a character and the current non-lethal infections, which do almost nothing.
The mod you have all been waiting for! No more reason to seek out Antique Ovens or buildings with Fireplaces - build some Heaters!
Highly customizable experience through Sandbox Options! Adds periods of darkness in Knox County that could go on for days!
Causes your character to scream out loud when they're in extreme pain.
Throughout your play-through, you may rarely encounter undead unlike others. Those that, despite their necrotic and deteriorated bodies, are able to access figments of their trapped psyches, into their lingering reflexes.
This mod replace vanilla TV tiles to display cartoon images on the TV screen. When you turn on the TVs, watch VHS, or listen to CDs, cartoon sounds will be played.
Ride in the back of Truck Beds! Now compatible with 'Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars'!
You can also start/stop reading by pressing the "R" key. So now you can read and kill zombies almost at the same time, using only the keyboard.
This mod changes the originally created mod Sentry Turrets and turns them into Angry Turrets. But don't use Angry and Sentry Turrets simultaneously!
Another take on Night/Day zombies! One of my nit picks with the night/day mods I've tried thus far, is the timing of the lore shift from day to night isn't always accurate year-round. Sometimes the zeds will start sprinting hours before or sometimes even hours after it gets dark!
Causes your character to fall asleep on the spot if you have max tiredness for X in-game hours (default 6). The amount of hours is configurable in the sandbox options.
Resident Medic attempts to implement the healing system in the Resident Evil games on top of the existing healing system within Project Zomboid. These items are designed to be very powerful though a bit more rare and requiring more effort to keep in stock.
This mod is a replacement for the regular professions that the vanilla game offers, and is intended to be used for gameplay scenarios that dive further into the apocalypse, such as 6 months or 10 years later.
Throughout your play-through, you may hear a singular murmur in the horde, a voice at the door as it tries to break in, pleading souls hidden away, lost minds of men giving guidance or begging for mercy as well as lot more.
Patches in support to True Actions 1.08 for the new Victorian Furniture that was added in 41.73. There is no functional coding in this mod, it simply adds definitions to the True Actions mod so that their animation systems understand where the new furniture is located and how to interact with it.
Have you ever wondered why these stacks of playing cards lie around without any purpose? Well now that's gonna change!
This mod reduces the damage inflicted by fire, we have always thought that fire does too much damage and too fast. With this mod the fire has a more realistic damage: if it is touched for a moment you will not catch fire and there will be no burns but only minimal damage.
This is a mod that aims at making combat more fun and realistic, making weapons and guns behave more like how you would expect them to do in real life.
Be a gentleman. This rather posh mod allows you to deal with unwelcome company the polite and civilzed way.
Adding a Trash Delete to the Trash's Context Menu.
1. Ladders on the map can now be climbed, and players can also build ladders. 2. Remember to turn off anti cheating when online
This mod automatically checks if one or both of the mods (pee mod and/or poop mod) is enabled and adds the appropriate actions when needed. The new context menu option will check the nearby area (3 meters) for toilets.
*This mod was created with permission using source code from nater, creator of the "Defecation" mod. So far this mod is very simple and similar to his, but I may add some new features at a later time.
With this mod installed, players will need to defecate. This can be noisy and you'll need some kind of toilet paper, but holding it in too long will only make matters worse. Combine this with the zombie apocalypse and you get some interesting scenarios...
This mod replaces female zombies in the game with waifu! The voices of the female zombies are replaced, they are zombified, their clothes are torn and covered in blood, they whimper and lament.
Have to get away in a hurry? Just jump through a window! When sprinting, you'll automatically vault through windows in your path.
Sometimes I hear the skill level up sound, but I'm unsure which skill triggered it. This mod will simply briefly display the name and level of any skill that leveled up over the player's head.