Reshade 6.1.1 (for TS4)
ReShade is a generic post-processing injector for games and video software developed by crosire . Imagine your favorite game with ambient occlusion, real depth of field effects, color correction and more ...
ReShade is a generic post-processing injector for games and video software developed by crosire . Imagine your favorite game with ambient occlusion, real depth of field effects, color correction and more ...
I wanted to create a more magical and colorful preset for my game since I was getting tired of my other two presets. I originally wasn't going to upload this anytime soon but after posting my first let's play some of you have noticed that I am using a different preset so here it is!
☘ a more clear ☘ deeper greens ☘ bloom, ambient occlusion
i thought i’d share the preset i’ve been using lately, with a few minor adjustments!
Sunblind is a fully custom, realistic lighting overhaul created for The Sims 4. Unlike my previous mods, none of the lighting in this mod is based on existing EA lighting and each world is individually tuned to ensure the best possible fit.
Hoooray, I know many of you keep asking me about my presets so I decided to create a new version just slightly different from my usual one and finally post it for you guys, so have fun
I’ve been really into this cybercore aesthetic recently so I made this one specially for this sim and now I’m sharing it to you guys, hope you like it
The Sims 4 seems to have a very boring coloring. A good option would be to use reshade, but it is very heavy and reduces the frame rate a lot.
finally posting my first reshade preset ‘spring bubbles’ ♡ this preset was made with reshade version
This preset was made with reshade 4.7 with legacy shaders so it should be compatible with older versions
Made with Reshade 4.6.1 to be compatible with older versions - to install follow this guide if you would like to upgrade. Requires Legacy AND Quint shaders.
This was made using Reshade 3.0.8, and I highly recommend you use Reshade 3.0 to run it! My presets do NOT work with 3.4 and beyond! They will not look the same.
The preset is inspired by the first part of the Twilight saga. You need to download ReShade. If you already have one, just place the preset in the Bin folder.
I caved under pressure and bring you the ReShade preset I’ve been using for a while now. This will not enhance your gameplay. This has been created for screenshots.
The first of my remixed Reshade presets! The original Pastoral Haunting was my very first creation.